Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cruise Control

Halo wars went on for years. And after Halo 2, online multiplayer would never be the same. Me however would be the same for a long time to come. My passion was gaming and second was being the best plastic set up tech I could be. I was at work on time, showed up everyday, and worked hard. Sure overtime cut into my gaming hours but I had to be a company man because I knew it would pay off in the future. Plus I wanted to get the big bucks to buy games and big screen tvs. In 2001 after working in plastics for about 3 years I became the lead set up tech and was making about 15 bucks an hour. Which was good for someone who didnt finish high school. Besides, "its not about how much you make, its what you do with it".

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Halo Wars

So My room was the Red Room. My roommate was the Blue Room. It was going down every single night. We had system link set up for Halo 1 and combatants from afar came to join the spectacle. Rules were posted as well as winnings for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Needless to say I cleaned house and made an honest days wage. Too bad people didnt have much money to lose. I could have retired in a couple days. As the Red vs Blue Room battles went on, they became heated. Sometimes the Blue Room didnt take losing very well and battles were very intense. But in the end the peace was preserved and we were all in it to fight the good fight...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Live Beta

Yeah, I was the first to get Xbox Live. How do I know this? Because I got the Live Beta. I even went to UPS because I couldnt wait for them to deliver it. I think I waited in the parking lot for a couple hours. I cant remember what games came with the beta, I think it was some bi-plane multiplayer. Gamertag: Madman56, which I still hold to this day, so look me up if you wanna game. Current favs: Call of Duty, soon to be Halo Reach.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Big Black Box

I started working my way up in the plastics industry at 18 and didn't let up.
My life was work, come home, play xbox, eat, repeat. I was about 19
when the original X-Box came out. I was living in my own apartment
still and held down a decent job so I could afford my habit. Morris
had moved in with me now and we had to have my X-Box the first day it
came out. Morris followed a few days later. I remember it like it was
yesterday. I had a couple days off work to enjoy my new baby. X-Box
stashed into a corner with a 19 inch TV. I remember forcing my
roommate to play this muliplayer game with me. 'Hmmm... this Halo game
is pretty fun'. Even for two people on the same screen playing against
each other it was somehow drawing us in. The controllers , though too
big for most hands, fit me perfect and were glued in...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

These Days...

Im the father of a 4 week old baby girl. Husband, and Production
Engineer. I like to staycation and like to game on my Xbox. Love my
wife and love my life. Love to blog to all of you. But back to the
story of my journey to get to the top of the world...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dreams Cast

When I first moved out on my own there was Sega Dreamcast. I played Shemue all day and night (when I wasnt working). Phantasy Star Online started my internet addiction. To the point I was sitting in the living room in only my holy boxers and my rommie Mike C. would come home with some babes and I didnt even know they were alive. I wasnt embarrassed I dont know about Mike. I held down a good job out of high school about that time. Glad I was on the late shift so I could play with my Dreamcast VMU at work...

Monday, May 24, 2010

In The Beginning

In the beginning I was born. Then all hell broke loose. My addiction to gaming started with the Nintendo. Excite Bike was the bomb. Duck Hunter and of course Mario. Then came everything from the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and yes, even Sega CD. The only good game for that was hockey. Super Nintendo 64 changed gaming to an addiction. Mario Kart made me and my friends gamble our butts off. Maybe even started a few brawls. Oh wait... I think it was all the wrestling games that started the brawls. It was just like the 'real' thing. We had factions, loyalties, and there were those interesting times when your partner turned his back on you, only to get beat down.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I am going to tell you how I am young, have been gaming since the beginning, been building an empire, and still managed to start a family with a great wife. Get ready for a ride folks!